Register - Intermediate Classical Horsemanship

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Intermediate Classical Horsemanship

1. The Services:

Halleujah Horsemanship will provide client with access to riding classes based on which program they choose.  Each program includes access to a maximum of Four (4) riding classes per month.  In a Month containing Five (5) weeks, that week's Private Lesson is FREE. Additional classes may be available upon request.

Each Private Lesson will be Sixty (60) Minutes in duration. Hallelujah Horsemanship will be closed Two (2) weeks per year to give the lesson horses a break, allow students to compete at horse shows and not to miss lessons, to run special events, and even to give riding instructors a break. The weeks that are off will be aavailable on our website:

There is no guarantee that a student will receive the maximum number of classes in a given month.  The student will receive access to our online class booking calendar and it is their responsibility to book classes.   It may be the case that some months the client gets sick, or the available classes don’t work for the client’s schedule for a number of reasons.  In this situation-  A maximum of one unused class from a previous month will rollover to the following month.  If the lesson is not used the following month it expires.  

2. Client Requirements

Client must show up on time. Client must be wearing proper riding attire- boots with heels, an ASTM/ SEI certified riding helmet, and breechesClient must be coachable, positive, and have a good attitude

3.   Compensation and Payment Terms

Our monthly tuition price is based on the annual value.  Client will put a credit or debit card on file, and it will be automatically charged the amounts below based on which program and which term they choose. 

Your calendar month begins the day you enroll- and the maximum amount of lessons that you are permitted to take must be used before the same date on the following month.  For example if you enroll on September 5th into Beginner - Private Lessons- you have until October 5th to take advantage of your 4 riding classes for the month.    

Hallelujah Horsemanship will be operating on a quarterly basis.  Students will be considered to be enrolled for the entire following quarter if we do not receive notice that you wish to cancel prior to the 1st day of the last month of the quarter.  Jan-Feb-Mar- is considered Q1.  If you do not cancel in writing prior to 11:59 PM on February 28th you will be financially committed for all of Q2.   April-may-June is considered Q2.  If you do not cancel in writing prior to 11:59 PM on May 31st you will be financially committed for all of Q3.  July-Aug-Sep is Q3.  If you do not cancel in writing prior to 11:59 PM on August 30th you will be financially committed for all of Q4.  Oct-Nov-Dec is Q4.  If you do not cancel in writing prior to 11:59 PM on November 30th you will be financially committed for all of Q1 for the following year.  We have incredible expenses and financial commitments to be able to offer this program- and we depend on students who can make some commitment- as well as give us plenty of notice if they are quitting so that we have time to pull students in from the waiting list to take their place. 

There is no reason why a student will not be financially committed for the entire quarter, even if they are unable to make it to classes.  

Example:  A student enrolls July 1st.  They immediately get sick and cannot ride for 3 months.  They still have to pay for July, August, and September- even though they cannot ride. 

Students must cancel in writing by sending an email to for their cancellation to be valid.

4. No Guarantee and No Refunds

The company does not warrant or guarantee any specific level of performance or results.  The results of your riding program are largely based on the efforts of the student.  There are no refunds for any reason.

5. Release of Liability

I acknowledge the risks and potential for risks of horseback riding and activities in and around a facility where horses are kept and farm machinery operated.  However, I feel that the possible benefits to me/my son/my daughter/my ward are greater than the risk assumed.  Intending legally to bind myself, my heirs, and assigns, executors or administrators, I hereby waive and release forever all claims for loss or damages of any kind against Deborah Lindsay, Hallelujah Horsemanship, Hallelujah Horse Ranch, Robert Kieckhefer Trust, Royal Hoses of Spain, and its assigns and anyone working or volunteering at 4301 N. State Route 89, Prescott, AZ or any other location which may arise in the course of any and all horse related endeavors attached in any way to Hallelujah Horsemanship or Hallelujah Horse Ranch or Royal Horses of Spain or its assigns, for any and all injuries and losses that I/my son/my daughter/my ward may sustain while participating in any way at this/these locations.  This release includes without limitation the risk of misunderstood instruction and supervision.  I, for myself or as legal guardian for my child, willingly approve of engagement in activities at Hallelujah Horsemanship, located at 4301 N. State Route 89, Prescott, Arizona 86301. I voluntarily, with knowledge of the risks, assume all risks of injury, death, and property damage that may result ina horse related activity or one that happens at above said location/locations.  I agree to bear any loss myself.  I acknowledge that Deborah Lindsay, Hallelujah Horsemanship and all the aforementioned providers are materially relying on this waiver and assumption of risk in allowing me/my son/my daughter/my ward to participate in activities at 4301 N. State Route 89, Prescott, Arizona, 86301

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